Teaching Web and J2EE Development with Eclipse

Link to Powerpoint slides from the presentation

Link to Eclipse WTP site's presentations page

Transformed by the Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) project, Eclipse has been extended beyond its Java roots and is now an open source Web and J2EE development IDE. The WTP adds industrial quality Web and J2EE development tools to the Eclipse platform and provides an extensible framework which can be used as the basis for advanced tooling. This presentation will show how you can utilize the WTP tools and platform to teach Web and J2EE development and how faculty and students can get involved in the project.

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Lawrence Mandel, Software Developer, IBM

Lawrence Mandel, a software developer at the IBM Toronto Laboratory, is the lead of ecosystem development and a committer for the Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) project.

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Jeffrey Liu, Software Developer, IBM

Jeffrey Liu is a software developer at the IBM Toronto Lab. He is a committer for the Eclipse Web Tools Platform project. He joined IBM in 2001 after graduating from the University of British Columbia with a B.A.Sc in Computer Engineering.