Free Software and Open Source Symposium 2008 - Thank you!

The Seneca Centre for Development of Open Technology was proud to present FSOSS 2008, October 23-24th, 2008 at the Seneca@York Campus, Toronto.

A big thank you to all who participated in FSOSS 2008. We look forward to seeing you all next year -- circle October 29th and 30th, 2009 on your calendar!

Photos from FSOSS 2008 are on Flickr.

Plans for a consortium or cooperative group involving Open Source projects, businesses, and educational institutions based on the TOS@FSOSS discussion appear at

Previous years' events:

Check out our friends at Ontario Linux Fest.

TOS@FSOSS: Teaching Open Source @ FSOSS 2008

FSOSS embraces a wide range of discussions about Open Source and Open Content. At FSOSS 2008, we're devoting a track on Thursday (October 23) to a discussion of Teaching Open Source. Students, professors, administrators, and Open Source community leaders will discuss their experiences in teaching and learning open source and outline current best practices and ideas in a series of panels and presentations. More information...

Short and Sweet: Pecha Kuchas

In addition to talks and workshops, FSOSS 2008 will feature a short-presentation format. Pecha Kuchas are 20x20 presentations: 20 slides, 20 seconds each. If you're interested in giving a Pecha Kucha, see the PK presentation page.

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