Tiki Profiles - An App Store Approach to Enabling Collaboration using the TikiWiki Platform

Room Location: 
Fri, 2009-10-30 13:00

Application repositories such as Apple's App Store have proven themselves to be a great way to promote platforms and spread awareness.

With over 1000 features and configuration options, the open source TikiWiki platform has been used to power websites ranging from Personal Blogs, Company Intranets, Extranets, Web 2.0 sites, Wiki Knowledge Bases all the way to the Firefox Support site (support.mozilla.com). With so many possibilities, the TikiWiki Community was looking for a way to allow people to come together to share solutions for different uses, and to make it extremely easy for end-users to setup these solutions on their own copy of TikiWiki..

The end result is Tiki Profiles; a simple description language that allows TikiWiki to be setup for specific uses through a click of a button. Everything including Look and Feel, Features and Sample Data can be configured into the system using Tiki Profiles.

A Profiles Repository (profiles.tikiwiki.org) has also been launched. It is not only an “App Store” for users to find TikiWiki solutions, but also a destination for the community to work together to create new Profiles. It is simple enough that all users (not just software developers) can participate in the creation of Tiki Profiles.

This presentation will focus on the following items.

- Tiki Profiles and the TikiWiki platform

- Showcase sample solutions developed using Profiles

- Present profiles.tikiwiki.org and how the Wiki Way is used in the community development of new Profiles