After abandoning his electrical engineering degree for a career in restaurants, Steve has returned to the technical arena as a developer in open source software. His first computer was an Apple IIe, where he learned a smattering of coding practices and theory. After moving into application programming with Microsoft Office, he now concentrates on developing with PHP and MySQL, using both Windows and Ubuntu development environments.
As one of the founders of ImpressCMS, Steve has focused on code optimization and education of developers and web administrators. Once a key contributor to XOOPS documentation (Starting a new XOOPS Site continues to be in the Top 10 topics at, Steve currently is working on refactoring the ImpressCMS core with Marc-Andre Lanciault, a co-founder of ImpressCMS and CEO of INBOX International.
In addition to being a geek, Steve is a grandpa, a gardener and a pretty good cook.