
Workshop Schedule

2010 OCT 28 Thursday
T2107 T2108 T2109
8:15 am Registration
9:00 am - 12:00 pm Rapid Application Development with ImpressCMS
[Marc-André Lanciault]
[Steve Kenow]
Plug Computing and Fedora: Running Linux while Sipping Electricity
[Chris Tyler]
Game Development using Processing.js
[Andor Salga]
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Writing your own GDB Pretty Printer
[Sami Wagiaalla]
A CMS for building web applications, not websites: hands on with the new Formulize 4
[Julian Egelstaff]

Presentation Schedule

2010 OCT 29 Friday
S1206 S1208 S2168 S2169 S2160
8:15 am Registration
9:00 am Scene Creator
[Matthew Postill]
Redefining virtualization with live-cloning
[Kannan Vijayan]
[Vivek Lakshmanan]
The Business of Linux - How individuals can get in the game.
[Karlie Robinson]
Release Engineering at Mozilla through buildbot
[Armen Zambrano Gasparnian]
Open Source Research - An Academic Administrator's Perspective
[Evan Weaver]
10:00 am Pointstream - Rendering mass point cloud data using WebGL
[Mickael Medel]
An Introduction to Vanilla Forums
[Brendan Sera-Shriar]
[Todd Burry]
Between Free Software and Open Standards: the Business Model
[Louis Suárez-Potts]
Systemtap - System Wide Probing on Linux: Focus on User Space
[Dave Brolley]
Industry-Academic Partnerships for Open Source Research and Development
[Dawn Mercer]
[TBA - Industry Partner TBA - Industry Partner]
11:00 am Web Audio
[David Humphrey]
Pressing the BigBlueButton
[Fred Dixon]
Finding a Community (Even if You're not a Developer)
[Dru Lavigne]
Eclipse and C
[Sami Wagiaalla]
Open Source @ Seneca
[Steve Charikar]
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm WebGL Game Jam Results
[Catherine Leung]
Freebase and the semantic web
[Spencer Kelly]
How CMS architectures affect dev. communities
[Julian Egelstaff]
FLOSS Manuals: Too Good to Be Free
[Scott Nesbitt]
NexJ Express Server
[Grace Batumbya]
2:00 pm Popcorn.js and open video
[Scott Downe]
Federating the Social Web
[James Walker]
Open Source Configuration Sharing by Power Users/Developers Using YAML in a Wiki
[Nelson Ko]
Cloud Computing and Open Source Tools for Teachers
[Kevin Pitts]
[Jennifer Peters-Lise]
[Bhupesh Shah]
openPETRA: A free and easy-to-use administration software package for non-profit organisations
[Christian Kendel]
3:00 pm Fedora ARM Build System
[Paul Whalen]
Microsoft Loves PHP. Yes, Seriously.
[Paul Laberge]
[Brendan Sera-Shriar]
Mozilla Drumbeat: open innovation for everyone
[Mark Surman]
Thinking Outside the Book: Wikis for Writing and Delivering Documentation
[Scott Nesbitt]
4:00 pm Reception