
Presentation Schedule

2008 OCT 23 Thursday
S1206 S1208 S2168 S2169
8:15 am Registration
9:00 am Open Source Tools for Government Transparency
[Jennifer Bell]
The Most Important Thing - How Mozilla Does Security, and What You Can Steal
[Johnathan Nightingale]
Eclipse: Beyond Java Development
[Lawrence Mandel]
TOS@FSOSS: The Student's Perspective
[Mark Surman]
[Armen Zambrano]
[Andrew Smith]
[Tom Wisniewski]
[Jeremy Vernon]
10:00 am The Canadian Software Innovation Alliance and Copyright Policy
[David Fewer]
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts - a case study in integrating two CMSs
[Julian Egelstaff]
Open Source Design
[Brendan Sera-Shriar]
[Geoff Palin]
TOS@FSOSS: The Professor's Perspective
[David Eaves]
[Tony Wasserman]
[David Humphrey]
[Eric Bachard]
11:00 am TikiWiki - When a Wiki is Not Enough
[Nelson Ko]
[Marc Laporte]
Painting a Picture: What the ingimp Project Tells Us About Users and Usage
[Michael Terry]
Komodo: making proprietary products open source
[Shane Caraveo]
TOS@FSOSS: The Institution's Perspective
[Greg DeKoenigsberg]
[Evan Weaver]
[Rob Cameron]
[Jutta Treviranus]
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Pecha Kuchas
[Mike Hoye]
Canvas 3D JS Library
[Catherine Leung]
[Andor Salga]
Using Drupal: Community Powered Code to Run Your Site
[James Walker]
TOS@FSOSS: The Community's Perspective
[Luigi Ferrara]
[Paul Frields]
[Frank Hecker]
[Arthur Ryman]
[Jon Maddog Hall]
2:00 pm Open Source .NET Development with Mono
[Geoff Norton]
Introduction to Asterisk and the dialplan
[Leif Madsen]
Evergreen: an enterprise-strength OSS solution for library ossification
[Dan Scott]
[John Fink]
TOS@FSOSS: Next Steps - Discussion
[David Eaves]
3:00 pm Treasury of the iCommons - Reflections of a Commons Sourcing Lawyer
[Thomas Prowse]
Making Movies
[Mike Hoye]
The Fluid Project and Community: An Overview
[Colin Clark]
[Jess Mitchell]
4:00 pm Reception
6:30 pm Speakers and Friends dinner
(FSOSS speakers and "Friends of FSOSS" only)

2008 OCT 24 Friday
S1206 S1208 S2168
8:15 am Registration
9:00 am Introduction to Google Doctype: an encyclopedia of the open web
[Mark Pilgrim]
Fedora: The Future, First
[Paul Frields]
Enabling Healthy Open Source Communities: Case study -- Thunderbird
[David Eaves]
[Dan Mosedale]
10:00 am The Convergence of Open Access and Open Source
[Leslie Chan]
Mozilla and Mobile
[Stuart Parmenter]
Enterprise Collaboration
[Damien Howley]
11:00 am Creative Commons and creative copyright licensing
[Marcus Bornfreund]
Open Telephony: Freedom greater than the sum of its parts
[Jon Maddog Hall]
Protecting You with Exploit Me
[Tom Aratyn]
[Jamie Gamble]
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Pecha Kuchas II
[Mike Hoye]
Innovation in Open-Source Development
[Keith Bergelt]
When Software Is a Service, Will Only Network Luddites Be Free?
[Bradley Kuhn]
2:00 pm Rich User Experiences - Open Web enabling Closed Platforms
[David Crow]
How to be successful using
[Daniel Hinojosa]
Subverting Proprietary Economics
[Emma Jane Hogbin]
3:00 pm Community Building and the Architecture of Participation
[Greg DeKoenigsberg]
Your Attention Please! Getting People's Attention with Software Notices
[Michael Terry]
[Matthew Kay]
osbootcamp: bringing open source to the noob masses
[Andrew Ross]

Workshop Schedule

Workshops are 2 hours each
2008 OCT 23 Thursday
T2107 T2108
8:15 am Registration
9:00 am ohai! art!
[Dafydd Hughes]
[David McCallum]
Drupal and Views 2: Powerful Websites in Zero Lines of Code
[James Walker]
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm How to Build Data Driven Applications in a Wiki using TikiWiki Trackers
[Marc Laporte]
[Nelson Ko]
2:00 pm
3:00 pm

2008 OCT 24 Friday
T2107 T2108
8:15 am Registration
9:00 am CMS 2.0 - Building applications that have dynamic structure, not just dynamic content
[Julian Egelstaff]
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Hacking Komodo
[Shane Caraveo]
2:00 pm
3:00 pm